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Head II. apprehending a Man. 519
But when ilie did return, ilie would have refted on
the Out-fide of it, iiNoab had not put forth hisHand
and pulled her in, Gen. viii. 9. The Lord fends the
Avenger of Blood in purfuit of the Criminal; and
he, with a fad Heart, leaves his own City; and,
with Tears in his Eyes, parts with his old Acquain¬
tances, becaufe he dare not flay with them : And
he flees for his Life to the City of Refuge. This is
not at all his Choice, it is forced Work 5 Necejjity
has no Law. But when he comes to the Gates,and
fees the Beauty of the Place, the Excellency and
Lovelinefs of it charms him ; and then he enters it
with Heart and Good-will, faying, 'This is my Kefl,
and here Vll flay; and, as one Laid in another Cafe,
7 had fenjhed, mlefs I had perijbed.
2dly, When Chrift apprehends a Soul, the Heart
is dilingaged from, and turned againft, Sin. As
in cutting off the Branch from the old Stock, the
great Idol Self is brought down, the Man is power¬
fully taught to deny himfelf: So in the apprehend¬
ing of the Sinner by the Spirit, that Union is dif-
folved, which was betwixt the Man and his Lufls,
while he was in the Flefh, as the Apoftle exprelfes
it, Kom. vii. 5. his Heart is loofed from them,
though formerly as dear to him, as the Members of
his Body; as his Eyes, Legs, or Arms: And in-
ftead of taking Pleafure in them, as fometime he
did ; he longs to be rid of them. When the Lord
Jefus comes to a Soul, in the Day of converting
Grace; he finds it like Jerufalem, in the Day of
her Nativity, (Ezek. xvi. 4.; with its Navel not
cut, drawing its fulfome Nourilhment and Satif-
faftion from its Luffs: But he cuts off this Com¬
munication, that he may fet the Soul on the Breaffs
of his own Confolations, and give it Reft in him¬