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Head II. Jufllfication. 511
henfive Blefling, neceflarily flowing from our Union
with him. Let us now confitkr the particular Be¬
nefits flowing from ic, before mentioned.
The firft particular Benefit, that a Sinner hath
by his Union with Chrift, is Juftification; for being
united to Chrift, he hath Communion with him in
his Righteoafnefs, i Cor. i. 30. But of him are ye
in Chrift Jefus, who of God is made unto us tVif-
dom andRigbteoufuefs. He ftands no more condem¬
ned ; but juftified before God, as being in Chriftt
Rom. viii. 1. ^there is therefore now no Condemna¬
tion to them which are in Chrift Jefus. The Bran¬
ches hereof are Pardon of Sin, and perfoaal Ac¬
Firft, His Sins are pardoned, the Guilt of them
i« removed. The Bond obliging him to pay his
Debt, is cancelled. God the Father takes the Pen,
dips it in the Blood of his Son, croffeth the Sin¬
ner's Accounts, and blotteth them out of his Debt-
book. The Sinner out of Chrift, is bound over to
the Wrath of God: He is under an Obligation
in Law, to go to the Prifon of Hell, and there to
ly till he has paid the utmoft Farthing. This a-
rifeth from the terrible Sanftion, with which the
Law is fenc’d ; which is no lefs than Death, Gen.
ii. 17. So that the Sinner palling the Bounds af-
figned him, is, as Shmei in another Cafe, a Man
of Death, 1 Kings ii. 42. But now, being united
to Chrift, God faith, Deliver him from going down
to the Pit 1 I have found a Ranfora, Job xxxiii. 24.
The Sentence of Condemnation is reverfed, the Be¬
liever is abfolved, and fet beyond the Reach of the
condemning Law. His Sans, which fometimes
were fet before the Lord, Pfal. xc. 8. fo that they
could not be hid, God now takes and cafts them
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