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Head II. Inftru&ions from^ &c. 169
becaufe Sin is its own Punifhment, in the fame man¬
ner as Holy Obedience is its own Reward.
Fke Doff rive of the Mifery of Man's natural State
Use (i.) Of Information. Is our State by Na¬
ture a State of IVratb ? Then,
1. Surely we are not born innocent. Thefc
Chains of Wrath, which by Nature arc upon us,
fpeak us to be born Criminals. The Swadling-
bands, wherewith Infants are bound Hand and Foot,
aflbon as they are bom, may put us in mind of the
Cords of Wrath, with which they are held Prifo-
ners, as Children of IVratb.
2. What defperate Madnefs is it, for Sinners to
go on in their finful Courfe? What is it but to
heap Coals of Fire on thine own Head, to lay more
and more Fuel to the Fire of Wrath, to treafure up
unto thy felf IVratb againft the Day of Wrath ;
Rom. ii. 5. Thou mayft penfb, when bis IVrath is
kindled but a little, Pfal. ii. 12. Why wilt thou
encreafe if yet more ? Thou art already bound
with fuch Cords of Death, as will not eafily be
loofed': What Need is there of more ? Stand care-
lefs Sinner, and confider this.
3. Thou haft no Reafon to complain, as long as
thou art out of Hell. Wherefore doth a living Man
complain? Lam. iii. 39. If one who has forfeited
his Life, be banifht his native Country, and expos’d
to many Hardftups ; he may well bear all patiently,
feeing his Life is fpar’d. Do ye murmur, for that
ye are under Pain orSicknefs? Nay, blefs God yc
are not there, where the Worm never dieth. Doft
thou grudge that thou art not in fo good a Condi¬