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170 Inftruclions from State II.
tion in the World, as fome of thy Neighbours are ?
Be thankful rather, that ye are not in the Cafe of
the damned. Is thy Subftance gone from thee ?
Wonder that the Fire of God’s Wrath hath not con-
fumed thy ye/f. Kifs the Rod, O Sinner, and ac¬
knowledge Mercy ,• for God punijheth us lefs than
our Iniquities deferve, Ezra ix. ij.
4. Here is a Memorandum, both for Poor and
Rich. (1.) The Pooreji that go from Door to Door,
and had not one Penny left them by their Parents,
were born to an Inheritance. Their firlt Father si-
dam left them Children oflVrath: And continuing
in their natural State, they cannot mifs of it; for
this is the Portion of a wicked Myn from God, and
the Heritage appointed to. him by, God, Job x\\ 20.
An Heritage, that will furniih them with a Habi¬
tation, who have not where to lay their Head; they
fhall be caft into utter parkn'ejsf Matth.^xy. 30.
for to them is referred the Blacknefs of Darhiefs
for ever, Jude 13. where their Bed ihall be Sorrow ;
they Jhall ly down in Sorrow, Jfa. 1. ir. their Food
fhall be Judgment, for God w ill feed them with
Judgment, Ezek. xxxiv. 16. and their Drink Ihall
be the red Wine of God’s Wrath, the Dregs where¬
of all the Wicked of the Earth fhall wring out, and
drink them, Pfal. Ixxv. 8. I know, that thefe who
are deftitute of worldly Goods, and withal void of
the Knowledge and Grace of God, who therefore may
be called the Devil’s Poor, will be apt to lay here,
we hope God will make us fuffer all our Mifery in
this World, and we Jhall be Happy in the next:
As if their miferable outward Condition in I’ime,
would fecure their Happinefs in Eternity. A grofs
and fatal Miftake! And this is another Inheritance
they have, <viZ. Liesi Vanity^ and Hungs wherein