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168 y)o£t. of the State, &c. State IT.
of Death. That his Sufferings were not Eternal,
flowed from the Quality of the Sufferer, who was
infinite ; and therefore able to bear, at once, the
whole Load of Wrath : And upon that Account,
his Sufferings were infinite in Value. But now that
the Sufferings ot a meet Creature cannot be infinite
in Value, they muff be protrafted to an Eternity.
And what Confidence can a rebel SubjeCi have to
Suarrel (for his Part) a Puniihment execute oil the
Ling’s Son ? (4.) The Sinner doth againft God
what he can. Behold thou bafi done evil 'things as
thou couldefi, Jer. iii. 5. That thou haft not done
more, and worfe, thanks to him who 1 eftrain’d
thee; to the Chain which the Wolf was kept in by,
not to thy felf. No wonder, God Jhew his Power
on the Sinner, who puts forth bis Power againft
God, as far as it will reach. The irregenerate Man
puts no Period to his finful Courfe; and would put
no Bounds to it neither, if he were not reftrained
by Divine Power for wife Ends: And therefore ’tis
juft he be for ever under IVrath. (5.) ’Tis infinite
Majefty Sin ftrikes againft ; and fo it is, in fome
Sort, an infinite Evil. Sin rifeth in its Demerit,
according to the Quality of the Party offended.
If a Man wound his Neighbour, his Goods mult
go for it; but if he wound his Prince, his Life muft
go to make amends for that. The Infinity of God
makes infinite Wrath thzjuft Demerit of Sin. God
is infinitely difpieafed with Sin : And when he
a&s, he muft a& like himfelf, and ihew his Dif-
pleafure by proportionable Means. Laftly^Ihok that
/hall ly for ever under this Wrath, will be eternally
finning -, and therefore muft eternally fuffer: Not
only in refpe<5t of Divine ju4icial Procedure; but