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144 Condufm of the Fir ft Head.State IL
coming to Chrift, and improving your Union with
him, to the further weakning of the Remains of this
natural Corruption. Is your Nature changed ?,
’Tis but in Part fo. The Day was ye could not
ftir: No\V ye are cured; but remember the Cure
is not yet perfected, ye {fill go halting. And tho’
it were better with you than it is; the Rcmem-j
brafice of what you were, by Nature, fhould keep' ]
you low. Ye that are yet in your natural State A
take with it: Believe the Corruption of your Na-\
ture; and let Chrift and his Grace bi precious in I
your Eyes. O that ye would a:« length be ferious;
about the State of your Souls. What mind ye to
do ? Ye muft dye; ye mufl: appear before the Judg-1
ment-feat of God. Will ye ly down, and deep
another Night at Eafe, in this Cafe ? Do it not:
For before another Day, ye may be fitted before
God’s dreadful Tribunal, in the Grave-cloaths of |
your corrupt State-, and your vile Souls caft into the j
Pit of Deitru&ion, as a corrupt Lump, to be for ;
ever buried out of God’s Sight. For I teftify unto |
you all, there is no Peace with God, no Pardotit 1
no Heaven for you, in this State : There is but a
Step betwixt you and eternal Deftru&ion from the J
Prefence of the Lord : If the brittle Thrced ofi
your Life, which maybe broke with a Touch, e’eri
you are aware, be indeed broken while you are in 1
this State; you are ruined for ever, and without \
Remedy. But come fpeedily to Jefus Ghrifi: He
has cleanfed as vile Souls as yours; and he will yet >
cleanfe the Blood that he hath not cleanfed, Joel iii. i
2i. Thus far of the Sinfulnefs of Man's natural'