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Head l.Vicrv of the Corruption of Nat. 145
Difeafe is neceffarily propagated in Nature, and
therefore hardeft to cure. Surely then the Word
fhould be given out againft this Sin, as againft the
King of Jfrael, i Kings xxii. gr. Fight neither with
fmall nor great, fave only with this: For this Sin
being broke, all other Sins are broken with it; and
while it ftands entire, there’s no Vi&ory.
IV. That ye may get a View of the Corruption
of your Nature, I would recommend to you three
Things. (i^) Study to know the Spirituality and
Extent of the Law of God, for that’s the Glafs
wherein you may fee your felves. (i.JObferve your
Hearts at all Times, but efpecially under ^tempta¬
tion. Temptation is a Fire that brings up the Scum
of the vile Heart: Do ye carefully mark the firft
Kijings of Corruption. Lafily, Go to God, through
Jefus Chrift, for Illumination, by his Spirit. Lay
out your Soul before the Lord, as willing to know
the Vilenefs of your Nature: Say unto him, that
which I know not, teach thou me. And be willing
to take in Light from the Word. Believe, and you
fhall fee. ’Tis by the Word the Spirit teacheth, but
without the Spirit’s Teaching all other Teaching
will be to little Purpofe. Tho’ the Gofpel fhould
Ihine about you, like the Sun at Noon-day; and
this great Truth be never fo plainly preached ; ye’ll
never fee your felves aright, until the Spirit of the
Lord light his Candle within your Breaft : The
Fulnefs and Glory of Chrift, the Corruption and
Vilenefs of our Nature, are never rightly learn’d,
but where the Spirit of Chrift is the Teacher.
And now to Ihut up this weighty Point, let the
Confidcration of what is faid, commend Cbrijl to
you all. Ye that are brought out of your natural
State of Corruption, unto Chrift, be humble -, ftill