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; HeadU. Mi[ery of Mans natural St ate. 14.5
The MISERY of Man’s natural State.
Ephesians ii.
We were by Nature the Children of Wrath
even as others.
Tt Aving fhewed you the Sinfulnefs of Man's na-
X X tural Statq, I come now to lay before you the
Mifery oi it. A Jinful State cannot be but a mije*
table State. If Sin go before, Wrath follows of
Courfe. Corruption and Deflructicn are fo knit top
gether, that the Holy Ghoft calls Dcftruction, even
I eternal f)eftm£tion,•, Gal. vh 8; He that.
' foweth /cj his Flejh, Jhall of the Flejh reap Corrupti-
< on, that is, everlading. D.ftrudioti; as is clear froin
. its bdng,opp(>fed to Life everlafting, in the follow-
i ing Ciaule. And fo the Apolfle having fliowri the
. Ephejians their real State by Nature, to wit, that
they were dead in Sins and Zrefpajfes, altogether-
\ corrupt; he tells them, in the Words of the Text,
their relative State, namely. That the Pit was dig-
j> ged for them, while in that State of Corruption :
8 Being dead in Sins, they were by Nature Chiidreit
p cf IVraih even as others.
In the Words we have four Things,
. . i. The Mifery of a natural State j Ms a State , df-
l iVrath, as well as a State of Sin,- iVe were, fays
7 thc .Apoflle, Children of Wrath, bound over^ and
K H-