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us : and do thou, O God, give us wifdom to
contrive in all our doings, Rrength to fnpport in
all difficulties, and beauty to adorn thofe heavenly
manfions where thy honour dwells; and grant, O
Lord, that we may agree together in brotherly
love and charity one towards another; and in all
our dealings in the world, do juflice to all men,
love mercy, ^nd walk humbly with thee, our
God .; and, at laft, may an abundant entrance be
adminiftered unto us, into thy kingdom, O Great
N'/iu unto the King eternal, immortal, invifible, the
only ’wife Cod, be kingdom, power, and glory,
for ever and ever. Amen,
Another Prayer.
MOft holy and glorious Lord God, thou Ar-
chiteft of heaven and earth, who art the
giver of all good gifts and graces ; and haft pro-
mifed that where two or three are gathered toge¬
ther in thy name, thou wilt be in the midft of
them ; in thy name we aflemble and meet together,
moft humbly befeeching thee to blefs us in all our
undertakings, to give us thy Holy Spirit, to enlight¬
en our minds with wifdom and underftanding, that
we may know and ferve thee aright, that all our
doings may tend to thy glory, and the falvation of
our fouls : and we beleech thee, O Lord God, to
blefs this our prefent undertaking, and to grant
T 2 that