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146 The CHARGES of
all the feveral parts and ulages of a nevj conjlitu-
tion, in the juft folcmnity.
A Prayer to be ufedof Chrlftian mafons at the
empointing of a brother : Ufed in the reign of
Edward IV.
HE mighty God and Father of heaven, with
the wifdom of his glorious Son, through the
goodnefs of the Holy Ghoft, that hath been three
perfons in one Godhead, be with us at our begin-
ning, give us grace to govern in our living here,
that we raay come to his blifs that Ihall never have
an end.
A Prayer to be ufed at the admiffon of a brother.
OMoft glorious and eternal God, who art
the chief Architett of the created univerle !
grant unto us, thy fervants, who have already en¬
tered ourlelves into this moft noble, ancient, and
honourable fraternity, that we may be folid and
thoughtful, and always have a remembrance of
thofe facred and holy things we have taken on ns,
and endeavour to in draft and inform each other
in fecrecy, that nothing may be unlawfully or ille¬
gally obtained; and that thofe perfons who are now
to be made mafons, may be worthy members; and
vozy they, and all of us, live as men, confiderhig
the great end for which thy goodnefs has created