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by another door, of whichflie kept the key ;
Ihe awaked her trufty Bella, but upon dif-
clofing her fufpicion of the fatal accident, the
maid, warm as Ihe was in the intereft of
the lovers, was fo immenfely (hocked, that
fhe fhrieked aloud, and very much hazarded
a difcovery of the whole! But the miftrefs,
though alio very much affected, had more
command of herfelf, and urging their mu¬
tual lafety to be the flake, (he reafoned her
maid into compofure. They next con-
fulted, as to what was fitteft to be done in
fuch a critical circumftance: they went in¬
to the garden, and found the unfortunate
Thane, with his neck diflocated, juft ex¬
pired ! They removed again the occafional
ftair-cafe, and placing part of it acrofs
the Thane’s body, and by the help of an
iron bolt, diftorting one of the fixing hooks,
endeavoured to give the whole an appear¬
ance of accident. The maid next returned
to her bed, whilft Anabella rung feveral
times her bell. At length another maid
got up, and coming to the lady’s apart¬
ment, ihe was ordered to get a light, and
to awake Bella, and at the fame time aiked
if ihe had feen or heard any thing of the
Thane ? Bella was now ordered to attend
her miftrefs; and candles being got, all the
three fearched over the houfe for their ma-
fter^ until arriving at the bathing-room,
G 2 they