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they found the door into the garderf
unfolded and Anabella oblerying that the
fteps were gone, affe&ed a woeful fhriek.
They returned immediately, and then
paffed into the garden by the ordinary door;
and coming into the walk under the bathing-
room windows, they found the dead body
bf the Thane! The real lamentations of
the ignorant fervant, and the well diffembled
grief of Anabdicii and her other maid, gave
the whole every appearance of chance.
The men fervants were now fummoned up,
and the Thane’s body tranfported imme¬
diately into his chamber. Thus was the
unhappy’ death of Kyle^ which was- truly
the confequence of his wife’s unlawful wan-
tohneis, impofed upon the world, as merely
the effett of unlucky accident. For fome
days, however, (he obferved, with the great-
eft ftri&nefs, that forrowful decorum, which
is often dilfembled, although lometimes
real, ufually paid to the manes of a deceafed
hufband; but the ftill enamoured Macbeth
prevented, by his now lefs interrupted vifits*
the effects from piercing her heart too deeply.,
4 This intrigue, like moft others of the
fame condemnable nature, began, however,
fooner than Anabella wifhed or expected, to
draw towards its eve.’