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enjoyments of her paramour were now-
obtained at a moft imminent rifk to both.
* Delights, which are thus purfued con¬
trary to decency, to reafon, to religion, and
to every rule of hofpitality, are feldom per¬
manent, and feldom terminate without the
mark of fome fatal cataftrophe : fo it was
â– with this libidinous couple; for having now
no opportunity of gratifying their loofe de-
fires within doors, they reforted to a private
corner in one of the gardens. Macbeth
found means to fcale the wall from with¬
out, whilft Anabella gave him the meeting
from within ; and as their folacements were,
for the molt part, nodturnal, it happened,
during one of their private interviews, that
the old Thane being reftiefs, miffed his wife,
and without calling up any fervant, went
in fearch of her: he thought of the garden,
into which there being a palfage through a
glafs door from the bathing-room, by a
flight moveable flair-cafe, which, upon
thofe occafional meetings, the cautious
Anabella took care fhould always be re¬
moved, for fear of furprize: the unwary
Thane not dreaming of fuch a precipitate
Ha, ha, fought that inlet to the garden,
and tumbled headlong into it; there he lay
motionlefs, untilreturning from her
pleafures, was alarmed by the grumbling
found of laft groans! She re-entered the houfe