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thy well-deferved wounds, not yet healed,
protect thee from that chaftifement which
fhould be the due of fo much audacity !—
So faying, he left him overwhelmed in
agonies of confufion, giving orders to a
fervant to Ihew him out of his gates.
‘ The re-animated Anabella, who had been
an ear-witnefs of all that pafied, met her
artful Abigail with a thoufand cardies;
and immediately proceeding to the audi¬
ence-chamber, Ihe faluted her Thane with
unaffefted gaiety, not inclining to leave
him too long alone, left his revolving
the feveral circumftances ferioufly in his
mind, might, notwithftanding Bella's well
calculated evidence, leave fome unfavour¬
able impreflions ; which, in fadt, happened
to be the cafe : for although he could not
diredlly condemn his wife, yet he now be¬
gan to compare, with more exadtitude than
formerly, the youth, the bloom, the manly
lhape, the vigour, and, to fum up all, the
flourifhing profpedt of Macbeth's fituation,
oppofed to the impotencies of age in every
one of thefe regards •, the confequence qf
which was, that he fubjedted himfelf to the
alar ms-of perpetual fufpicion •, and became
fo much the more and more watchful over
every motion of Anabella> that he rendered
her life very irkfome to her, and the ftolen
G ^ enjoyments