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my eyes,. that the fair Jaquenetta was the
deareft objed of my foul:—the difcovery
gave hirii more joy than difturbance; he
was happy to think, .that he had in his
power a bribe, that might engage me to
abandon a party he imagined I was before
inclined to: invitations to his houle became
more than ufually frequent-, he carefled
me with the aflfedions of a brother, and
afiiired me of fuch a preference in his
efteem, that lie would conftantly employ
all his power to ferve me. After dinner,
he would artfully contrive fuch amufements
for the reft of his company, as beft fuited
their refpedive palates, that he might give
me the better opportunities of offering my
addreffes to his wife ; and leave her to im¬
prove upon the leflbn Ihe had got from
him to follicit my inclinations in favour of
the Thane of Refs. Such a follicitrefs,
you may be fure, could not, to one of my
complexion, and who was truly enamoured
paffionately with her perfon, urge a fuit in
vain. It is true, that on purpofe to enhance
the value of the condefcenfion I intended
to pay her, I reprd'ented my attachments
for the houfe of Caithnefs to be much
deeper founded than in fad they ever had
been for if the truth had been known,
the facrifice I was to make her was but little
worth the courting, fince, in my private