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opinion, neither of the contending parties
merited the approbation pf any man of
confequencei and I aflured myfelf, that it
could not be a long while before fome
other, as powerful, and more j deferving
than either of them, would fupercede them
both : however, if I had before made my
eledfion upon neither of the fidcs, the
powerful applications of Jaquenetta now
certainly determined me, but not without
perfuading her, that the arguments of her
eyes, which were ten thoui'and times more
irrefiftible than every other plea that could
be urged in favour of the Thane of Rofa
had alone commanded my inclinations, as
effedtually as her matchleis charm&had cap¬
tivated my heart.—It was with joy I per¬
ceived that the tendernefs -with which I
poured forth my fentiments for her, was
not difregarded ; and although, in the be¬
ginning, Ihe condudted herfelf with a de¬
corum which forbid the moft diftant ap¬
proaches of any thing indelicate, yet, by
the almoft daily opportunities with which
her good-natured Thane furnifhed me pf
enforcing my fuit, I had the fatisfadlion to
find that I gained feme ground in every
interview; in fo much, that after the third
or fourth ferious conference, the exprdfions
of nay paflion grew warmer and warmer,
and were liftened to without that repugr