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my love j with this difference, that my in¬
triguing meeting with no other obftruaions
than fuch as decency render neceffary, my
appetite was not whetted by the fame fort
of difficulties which gave a reliffi to hi?,
but which however, to one of my more
fedate difpofition, does by np means leffen
the enjoyment.—You know (I laid) the
two factions, which pretend to divide the
court; thofe of Caithness and of Ro-fc.
Gaury, the hulbapd of my engaging Jaqug-
net'ta, is wholly in the inter eft of Rafsy
from whofe favour with the king he pro-
mi fes himfelf no little influence : ambition
is his chief aim, to that he facrifices every
other confideration, and makes him un¬
commonly anxious to engage all the young
noblemen he can, to elpoufe the ta&iqn of
Rofs; and carefully adapts his baits to the
inclinations of the party he would proJHyte;
find" as youth is for the moft part in purfuft
of pleafures, under the influence of feme
one predominant paflion ; one he entertains
with mufle; to another he covers his table
with the moft coftly repafts; a third, he wijl
mount upon the fineft horfe of his ftablea;
and amongft fame, he will even dHfipate his
money at play. He was not long of dis¬
covering, that the bent of my inclinations
leaned another way,, and from a fteady ap¬
plication to my looks, he fbon read from
E 3 tny