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time it was, for I had not proceeded many
yards from the feat of all my joy, when I
could perceive the cheated Thane advan¬
cing to his houfe. A tedious week has
palled fmce that delightful day ; and until
yefterday, it had not been in Anabdla's
power to blefs me with another opportu¬
nity : it was then, that in obedience to a
mandate from her own fair hand, I hoped
to find her in the pavilion of her garden,
Ihe having, by reafon of a feigned indifpo-
fition, propofed to the Thane to deep alone
in a leparate apartment. The reft, my
dear friend, you know; and thence you
may judge how unhappy I feel myfelf, for
fear of my charmer’s reputation.*
‘ I exprefied the moft perfcdl fenfibility
of the confidence with which Macbeth had
honoured me; bid him hope for every fer-
vice I could do for him, in difappointing
the confequences of what he feared; and,
as the beft return I could make him for
that truft he had repofed in me, I told him
he Ihould immediately be the confidant to
an affair of mine, of the fame nature, and
to me equally interefting. I then commu¬
nicated to him, that Jaquenetta, the beau¬
tiful fifter of his beloved Anabella, was no
Jefs the objedt of my adoration than Ana-
bella was of his ! That I was not lefs happy
than he in the moft favourable returns for