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from) not to fleep from home if poflible,
and finally, curfed that bufinefs which
ftiould ever make it necefiary for him, to
to be an hour abfent from fo delightful a
‘ Loofely attired as fhe was, (he at¬
tended him down ftairs, not fo much from
regard or compliment, as to fee him re¬
mount his fteed, and be thereby affured
that he was really gone. She quickly re-
afeended and having (ecured all the doors,
approached withmoft compaffionating com¬
placency to welcome my enlargement from
that ungracious confinement, out of which
I had juft emerged.—A concioufnefs of her
having been the relufiant inftrument of fo
much torment to a perfon beloved by her,
overfpread her lovely countenance with the
moft exprefiive blufties; O ! do not hate
me, my dear Macbeth, faid Ihe, for what I
could not help, confiftently with your
fafety; for believe me, my Lord, my
anxiety to fupprefs every appearance of
fufpicion, and to ftiorten the moments of
your difmal confinement, had more preva¬
lence over my involuntary mind, than all
the arguments of conjugal authority. I
haftily caught her in my arms, and inter¬
rupted her with glowing kiffes! To hate
you, I anfwered, is impoflible! But O!
how much more than ever do I hate your
L detefted