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in fine, profiting of the privileges of a hus¬
band, he proceeded to amufe himfelf with
liberties which Ihe would fain have difpen-
fed with, and which were to me as Ihocking,
as a view of the happinefs of the firfi: human
pair, was to the fight of the envying devil.
She ufed every means her art could mggeft,
to poftpone at lead, an enjoyment, which
at that juncture muft be the more difguft-
ful to herfelf, as ftie knew it would be tor¬
menting to me : fhe affected indifpofition,
afiumed a countenance of ill humour ; flie
ftruggled j fhe fcolded j but as every op-
pofition ferves rather to whetten than abate
the amorous rage, fo it was with old Kyle,
whofe eagernefs increafing by refiftance, at
length matrimonially laboured, to perform
the office of a lover ! Whilft the unwilling
Anabella, fubmitting to the authority of a
hufband, in the fame inftant that Ihe gave
pleafure to one who was then very indif¬
ferent to her, was- extended tortures to the
man fhe loved! Patience however, ha¬
ving endured the conjugal conflidt, and the
Thane’s unfinifhed bufinefs ftill waiting for
him at a diftance, he was obliged to retire;
although he was on this occafion fo re¬
markably enamoured of the degagee air he
catched Anabella in, that he embraced her
at parting with uncommon ardour, pro-
mifed (what Ihe could have excufed him