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detefted hufband ! O ! may the more ge¬
nerous beaft he rides revenge my quarrel,
and by a well-timed tofs, fo effedually dif¬
able him, that he may never be again in a
capacity to rifle thofe fweets, which were
bellowed for the blefllngs of youth, and
not to be abufed by the infipid pawings of
old age.—But no more of the baneful lub-
jedt.—Let us now rekindle the more equal
flames of love, and drown all thought of
care in currents of fubftantial joy !—No !
faid Anabella, I will not give pollution to
the arms I love ! I will follow the ufage of
the ancients, and by ablution cleanfe me
of the ftains I’ve fuffered !*—So faying, Ihe
difengaged herfelf from the clofe embrace,
and hurrying through different apartments,
at laft unfolding a double door, flie threw
afide her loofe attire, and plunged into a
well prepared bath. The floating beauties
which now inflamed my agitated foul, en¬
hanced, if poffible, the extacy I had felt
•before!—All patience left me ; I rather
tore than pulled off my clothes, and ruffled
into this new, this liquid fcene of love!
If ever you have feeh the genuine trans¬
ports of the fwelling necked fwans, when
prompted by genial inftindt to frolick on
the i'uftaining furface of the ftream, how
they bill and twine, and twine and bill,
and proudly expand the wings of gladnefs