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Angus's penetration: and although it be
true, that fhe has birth, merit, and above
all, beauty, which better entitle her to the
arms of the greateft monarch on earth, than
to the feeble embraces of an old Thane, or
to be miftrefs to the moft accomplifhed ot
the human race ; yet, my worthy friend, fo
amazingly fortunate have I been, as to have
rendered myfelf agreeable to that charmer *,
and with her, when occafion can be found,
to revel in fuch tranfports, as fhe alone can
beftow.—Yet thefe delights, of which Jna-
lelia herfelf would now be no churl, are, like
every thing elfe that’s rare, not to be
purchafed without difficulties: The huf-
band, rather uxorious, than otherwife, has
few avocations abroad, and thofe he has,
are fo uncertain, that fometimes interruption
itfelf, and fometimes the fear of it, have hi¬
therto prevented my being regaled with a
belly-full of Love.—Permit me, continued
Macbeth, to divert you for a moment, with
fome comical enough circumftances which at¬
tended ourimmediately preceding difappoint-
ment: Anabella had kindly fent me notice that
her Thane was juft preparing to go upon a
vifit, at fuch a diftance from home, as ffie
imagined would detain him till the next day,
and that in any event, ffie thought we might,
with fafety, pafs fome moments together,
that afternoon: You will not, my dear friend,