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in connexions with him, fo much longer
than his adions, with remorfe I acknowledge
it, deferved the countenance of the patriot
or honeft man. Having upon this oc-
fion however, reciprocally exchanged en¬
gagements of the moft inviolable friend-
Ihip I will not delay, my dear preferver,
faid he, to give you the ftrongeft tefhmony,
that one man is capable of giving to ano¬
ther, of that confidence, which I think you
only deferve, by communicating to you a
fecret which no perfon on earth knows, or
fhould ever know from me but yourfelf •,
although from what happened laft night, I
am afraid the charming Anabella through
fome fatal neceflity, muif have trufted it with
fome confidante of hers. It is, my dear friend,
on account of a preference which that
matchlel's creature has blefs’d me with; that
the ambitious, tho’ cowardly, Ion of Caitb-
nefs has been provoked to enterprize the
fcene of bafenefs which you found him em¬
ployed in ; and by what 1 heard him fay, as
he charged his meaner fouled inftruments,
with the execution of his unmanly purpofe,
I dread, 1 fay, that Anabella mult have been
betrayed by fome one, who for our conveni-
ency, fhe may have trufted with the impor¬
tant fecret.—T his darling Anabella, the beau¬
tiful wife of the old Thane of Aj/e, cannot
have efcap’d the eyes of a, nobleman of