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believe that I flighted fo defirable an invi¬
tation ; I waited, or more properly lingered,
with the utmoft impatience, until the ap¬
pointed minute arrived, and then with all
the ardour of enthufiafiic love: I haftened
me to the field of beauty ! And there !—
’tis yet a heaven to relate it! I found, the
charmer of my foul, in a negligent, but
bewitching undrefs ; through the flim ele¬
gance of which, the perfedt proportion of
every part, fwelling upon the imagination,
commanded by irrefiftible attraction, an
admiration not to be awakened by all the-
pomp, which drefs can borrow from em¬
broidery or jewels !—-It muft be the moft
luxuriant fancy, and not words, that can de-
fcribe to you, the thrilling emotions which
now circulated thro’ every Member of the
enchanted Macbeth l to be fhort, after fully
feafting my ravifhed eyes, and gratifying
every amorous touch ; I had juft plunged
into fruition! when O! more than cruel
intervention ! the voice of the old Thane
ftartled us from a neighbouring chamber!—
and forced me, reludtant, to retire, and
raging, leave the uncompleted banquet!—
Danger inevitable now confounded both !—
hardly one moment for confideration ! fo
that I thought of no other refource than,
by my fwprd, to gain our immediate deli¬
verance.—But happily for the Thane, and