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$2 AMP & I T R T ON.
Sof. Well, well; as villainous as it is, here*; '
old B>omio will be contented with it.
Brom. Yes, now I am lure that I may chaftihi
yen i’afely : and that there’s no god, lurking urn fef
der your appearance.
Sof. Ay; but you had bell take heed bow yoi
attempt it: for as Mercury has turn’d himfelf in- ;
to me, fo I may take the toy -into my head, tc j,.
turn myfelf into Mercury, that I may fwinge you \:
oif, condingly.
Merc. In the mean time, be all my witnelTes, i
that I take Pbcedra for my wife of the left hand j
that is, in the nature of a lawful concubine.
Phaed. You lhall pardon me for believing you,
for all you are a god: for you have a terrible ill
name below: and I am affraid you’ll get a foot¬
man, inftead of a prieft, to marry us.
Merc. But here’s Gripus Ihall draw up articles,
betwixt us.
Phaed. But he’s damnably us’d to falfe convey¬
ancing:—Well be it fo: for my counfel lhall over¬
look ’em before I fign : Come on, Giipus; that I
may have him under black and white
\Here Gripus gc/r ready pen, ink, and paper, j
Merc. With all my heart; that 1 may have thee j
under black and white hereafter.
Phced. to Gripus.'] Begin, begin; heads of ar¬
ticles to be made, &c. betwixt Mercury, god ot:
Merc. And Phaed. queen of gypfies. Im¬
primis, I promife to buy and fettle upon her an i
ellate, containing nine thoufand acres of land, in
any part of to her own liking.
Phaed. Provided always, that no part of the a
faid nine, thoufand acres lhall be upon, or adjoin- 1
ing to mount Parnajfus: for I will not be fobbed
©If with a poetical ellate.