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Merc. Memorandum, that Ihe be always conftant
to me ; and admit no other lover.
5 Pbaed. Memorandum, unlefs it be a lover that
fc &ffers more : and that the conftancy lhall not ex-
1 :eed the fettlement.
'll ’ Merc. Item, That flie fhall keep no male fer-
i| rants in her houfe : Item, no rival lap dog for a
i jedfellow: Item, that Ihe lhali never pray to any
n )f the gods.
Phaed. What, would you have me an Atheift ?
'■i i Merc. No devotion to any he-deity,good Phaedra.
; | JBrem. Here‘s no provilion made for children yet.
Phaed. Well remembred, Bromia : I bargain
i; :hat my eldeft fon lhall be a hero, and my eldell
1 (daughter a king^s miftrefs.
■; 1 Merc. That is to fay, a blockhead, and a har¬
lot, Phaedra.
:" Phced. That’s true; but who dares call ’em fo ?
iThen for the younger children : but now I
• think on’t, we’ll have no more, but mafs and mifs;
• ifor the reft would be but chargeable, and a burden
I to the nation.
i Merc. Yes, yes; the fecond (hall be a falfe pro-
- phet: he lhall have wit enough to let up a new
: religion : and too much wit to die a martyr for it.
\ Phaed. O what had 1 forgot? there’s pin-money,
• land ali money, and feparate maintenance, and a
iiihoufand things more to be confidered; that are
lill to be tack’d to this aft of fettlement.
• 1 Sof. I am a fool, I muft confefs; but yet I can
ipee as far into a mill-ftone as the beft of you: I
fiave obferved that you women-wits are commonly
b quick upon the fccnt, that you often over-run
at: Now I would a fit of madam Phccdra, that in
. [cafe Mr. Heaven there, Ihould be pleafed to break
thefe articles, in what court of judicature ihe in¬
tends to fue him ?