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lut know before-hand, I Mercury ;
Vhc want not heav’n, while Phcedra is on earth.
Brom. But, and’t pleafe your lordlhip, is my
bllow Phaedra to be exalted into the heav’ns, and
.. made a flar?
1 Phaed. When that comes to pafs, if you look
ip a-nights, I fhall remember old kkidnefs, and
'ouchlafe to twinkle on you.
( inter Sofia, peeping about him: and feeing Mer¬
cury, is farting back.
Sof. -Here he is again ; and there’s no palling by
1 nm into the houfe, unlefs I were a fpright, to
Hide in through the key-hole. 1 am to be a
/agabond I find.
| Merc. Sofia, come back,
f Sof No I thank you ; you may whittle me long
enough ; a beaten dog has always the wit to avoid
Jhis matter.
;i Me c. I permit thee to be Sofia again.
' Sof. ’Tis an unfortunate name, and I abandon
tt: he that has an itch to be beaten, let him take
t up for Sofia; What have I faid now ! I mean
^or me; for I neither am nor will be Sofia.
! Merc. But thou may’ft be fo in fafety: for I have
Acknowledged myfelf to be god Mercury.
I' Sof You may be a god, for ought I know ; but
[the devil.take me if ever Lworlhip you for anun-
pierciful deity, as you are.
j Merc. You ought to take it for an honour to be
grubbed by the hand of a. divinity.
Sof. I am your mott humble Servant, good Mr.
[(god; but by the faith of a mortal, I could welt
have fpar’d the honour that you did me. But how
fliall I be lure that you will never afliune my fliape
again ?
Merc. Becaufe I am weary of wearing fa.villain*
ous an outhdc.