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But vindicate thy honour from that wretch
Who would by bafe afperfions blot thy vertue.
Ale. I was indeed miftaken; thou art he !
{Going to him, who embraces her,
‘Thy words, thy thoughts, thy foul is all Amphi¬
Th’ importer has thy features, not thy mind ;
The face might have deceived me in my choice ^
Thy kindneis is a guide that cannot err.
Amph, What in my prefence to prefer the vil¬
lain l
O execrable cheat ! I break the truce ;
And will no more attend your vain decifions;
To this—and to the gods I’ll truft my caufe.
{Is ruflmg upon Jupiter, and is held again.
Jup.dPooT man; how I contemn thofe idle threats?'
Were I difpos’d, thou might’ll; as fafelymeet
The thunder lanch’d from the red arm of Jove:
(Nor Jove need blulh to be Atcmenars champion)-,
But in the face of Thebes, (he (hall be clear’d :
And whatl am,, and what thou art, be known.
Attend, and I will bring convincing proof.
Amph. Thou wouldft elude my juftice.,. and.
Bat I will follow thee, through earth, and feas;
Nor hell (hall hide thee, from my juft revenge.
Jup. I’ll fpare thy pains: It lhall be quickly feen>
Betwixt us two,, who fecks, and who avoids.-
Come in my friends: and thou who feem’il: An,-
phitryon ;
That all who are in doubt, may know the true.
Jupiter re-enters the houfe: with him Amphitryon,
Alcmena, Polydas, Tranio, and guards.
Merc, to Grip, and Brom. vjha are following.
Thou Gripus, and you Brornia ftay with Phaedra.'
Let their affairs alone, and mind we ours:.
Amphitryon's rival Hull appear a god t