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ytmr tongue, I charge you; for the cafe is manifeft.
Jup. By your favour then, this (hall fpeak for
me. [Bares his arm; and flows it.
■ Tran. ’Tis juft in the fame mufcle.
Polyd. Of the fame length and breadth; and the
fear of the fame blewilh colour.
Grip, to Jupiter.'] Did not I charge you not to
fpeak ? 'twas plain enough before: and now you
have puzzled it again.
Amp. Good gods, how can this be !
Grip. For certain there was but one Pterelas ;
and he muft have been in the plot againft hinafelf
too : for he was killed firft by one of them; and
then rife again out of refpeft to t’other Amphitry¬
on, to be killed twice over.
Enter Alcmena, Phaedra, and Bromio.
Ale. turning to Phaedra and Bromia, No more
of this; it founds impolfible
That two (hould be fo like, no difference found.
Phced. You’ll find it true.
Ale. Then where’s Alcmena’s honour and her
fame ?
Farewel my needlefs fear; it cannot be :
This is a cafe too nice for vulgar fight:
But let me come; my heart will guide my eyes
To point and tremble to its proper choice.
[Seeing Amphitryon, goer to him.
There neither was, nor is, but one Amphitryon ;
And I am only his.—
[Goes to take him by the hand.
Amph. Away, adultrefs!
[pufling her away from him.
Jup. My gentle love : my treafure and my joy;
Follow no more, that falfe and foolilh fire.
That would millead thy fame to fure deftrudlion!
Look on thy better hulband, and thy friend.
Who will not leave thee liable to fcorn.