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have no fuch letter in their tongue.
Jmph. I order’d you to take particular care of
the great bag.
Grip. Why this is demonftration.
Jup. The bag that I commended to you, was of
tyger’s lldn ; and mark’d Beta.
Grip. In fadnefs I think they are both jugglers:
here’s nothing, and here’s nothing: and then hie-
chis doccius, and they are both here again.
Iran. You peaceable Amphitryon, what money
was there in that bag ?
Jup. The fum in grofs, amounted juft to fifty
Attick talents.
Tran. To a'farthing?
Grip. Faugh : obvious,. obvious.
Amph. Two thoufand pieces of gold were ty’d
up in a handkerchief by themfelves.
Tran. I remember it.
Grip. Then ’tis dubious again.
"Jap. But the reft was not all filver; for mere
were juft four thoufand brafs half-pence.
Grip. Being but brafs,the proof isinconfiderable:
if they had been filver, it had gone on your fide.
Aniph. to Jup.~\ Death and hell, you will not
perfuade me, that I did not kill Pterelas?
Jup. Nor you me, that I did not enjoy Alcmena?
Amp. That laft was poifon to me. [_AJule.
Yet there’s one proof thou canft not counterfeit:
In killing Pterelas, I had a wound
Full in the brawny part of my right arm :
Where ftill the fear remains : now blufti, impoftor;
For this thou canft not fhow.
\_Bare’s his arm ; and Jho'ws the fear,
vjhich they all look on.
Omnes. This is the true Amphitryon.
Jup. May your lordfliip pleafe.
Grip. No, firrah, it does not pleafe me: hold