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cor to leave an evil precedent of uprightnefs to
future judges. (Afide) Tis a good thing to have
a magiftrate under correftion : your old fornicat¬
ing judge, dare never give 1'entence againft him
that knows his haunts.
Polyd. Your lordfliip knows I was mafler of
fhitryotfs Ihip ; and I defirc to know of him, what
pafs’d in private betwixt us two, at his landing,
when he was juft ready to engage the enemy ?
Grip. Let the true Amphitryon anfwer tirft.
Jup. andkvaph. together.~\ My lord I told him.—
Grip. Peace both of you : ’Tis a plain cafe
they are both true; for they both fpeak together ^
but for more certainty, let the falfe Amphitryon
fpeak firft.
Merc. Now they are both filent.
Grip. Then ’tis as plain on t’other fide, that
I they are both falfe Amphitryons.
Merc. Which Amphitryon {hall fpeak firft?
Grip. Let the choleric Amphitryon fpeak; and
let the peaceable hold his peace.
Amph. to Poly das.You may remember that I
whifper’d you, not to part from the ftern, one {in*
gle moment.
Polyd. You did fo.
Grip. No more words then; I proceed to fen-
Jup. ’Twas I that whifper’d him; and he may
remember I gave him this reafon for it; that if
our men were beaten, 1 might fecure my own re*
Polyd. You did fo.
Grip. Now again he’s as true as t’other.
Pranio. You know I was pay-mafter . What di¬
rections did yougiveme the night-before the battle?
Grip. To which of the you’s art thou fpeaking?
Merc, (ajide) l Ihould be a double U : but they
H 2 have