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A M P U 1 r R r 0 N. 79
Phaed. Gad, I think the devil’s in you. Then
I do ftamp in fomc body’s name, but I know not
whofe; (ftamps.J Come up, gentlefolks, from
below; and fing me a paftoral dialogue, where the
woman may have the better of the man; as we al¬
ways have in love matters.
[New fingers come np andJing a feng.
A paftoral Dialogue betwixt Th y r s i s and Iris,
Thyrfis. Tf AIR Iris and her fwain
-L Were in a Jkady bow'r.
Where Thyrfis long in vain
Had fought the fiepberd’s hour.
At length his hand advancing upon her fwnuy breafi $
Hefaid7 0 kifs me longer,
And longer yet, and longer.
If yoh'will make me blejl,
.Iris,, .An WjfyyiAditfg maid, ■
By trufting is undone s
Oar fex is oft betray'd,
By granting love too foon.
If you defire to gain me, your fofferings to redrefs;
Prepare to love me longer,
- And Longer yet, and longer,
Before ymt ^mll poffefs.
Thyrfis. The little care you fjovs,
[ Of all my for rows pafl ;
Makes death appear too flow,
;1 And life too Long to lad.
Fair Iris kifs me kindly, in pity of my fate ;
And kindly fUtf, and kindly.
Before it be too late.