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Merc. Thou flialt know more of that another
time: in the mean while, here’s a call of my of¬
fice for thee.
[He ft amps upon the ground.- fame dancers
come from under ground.- and others from
the /ides of the ft age.- a fong and a fan-,
taftick dame.
MercuryV SONG to Phaedra.
JfAIR Iris I love, attd hourly I dye,
But not for a lip, nor a langui/bing eye.'
She's fickle and falfe, and there vie agree;
For I am as falfe, and as fickle as /he :
We neither believe vibat either can fay ;
And, neither believing, ive neither betray.
Tis civil to finear, and fay things of courfe ;
We mean not the taking for better for vsorfe.
When prefeist, vse love; vshen ahfent, agree f
I think not of Iris, nor Iris of me:
The legend of love no couple can find
So eafy to pari, or fo equally join'd.
After, the dance.
Phced. This power of your’s makes me fufpe&
you for little better than a god; hut if you are one,
for more certainty, tell me what I am juft now
Merc. Why, thou art thinking, let me fee; for
thou art a woman, and your minds are fo variable^
that ’tis very hard even for a god to know them.
But, to fatisfy thee, thou art wiihing, now, for the
fame power I have exercis’d;, that thou mightft
ftamp, like me; and have more finger* come up
for another fong.