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Iris. You fondly court your blifs.
And no advances make ;
’Tis not for maids to kifst
But ’tis for men to take.
So you may kifs me kindly, and I will not rebel;
And kmdly fill, and kindly,
But kifs me not and tell.
Chorus. Thus at the height we Ibve and live, 1
And fear not to be poor:
We give, and give, and give, and give.
Till we can give no more:
But what to-day wiB take avsay,
To-morrow will reftOre.
Thus at the height we love and live.
And fear not to be poor.
Phaed. Adieu, I leave you to pay the mufick: i
Hope well, Mr Planet; there*sa better heaven in |ti
Itore for you; I fay no more, but you can guefs.
Mercury alone.
Such bargain-loves, as I with Phaedra treat,' ^ .
Are all the leagues and friendlhips of the great: >
All feek their ends, and each would others cheat.J, ,
They only feem to hate, and feem to love;
But intereft is the point on which they move. n
Their friends are foes; and foes are friends agen;
And in their turns, are knaves, and honeft men.
Our iron age is grown an age of gold.
'Tis who bids moll; for ail men would be fold.
[Exit Mercury., w