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S6 AMP H I, TRY 0 N.
bully that affronts over-night, and, when he -
call’d to account the next morning, remember
nothing of the quarrel; and alks pardon, to ava
Sof. By Bacchus, I was overtaken; but I fliou
be loth that I committed any folly, with thee,
Bronu I am fure, I kept myfelf awake all nigh
' that I did, in expectation of your coming.
So/. But what amends did I make thee, when
Br om. You Jcnow well enough, to my forrow
but that you play the hypocrite.
So/ 1 warrant, I was monftrous kind to thee.- •
Brom. Yes, monllrous kind indeed: You neve
faid a truer word : for, when I came to kifs you if
you pull’d away your mouth,, and turn’d your chee* f.
to me.
So/. Good.
Brom. How, good! Here’s fine impudence: HL'.
juflifies.- . . ;
So/. Yes, I do juftify, that I turn’d my cheek
like a prudent perfon, that my breath might no<.
offend thee j for, now I remember, I had eatei
' garlick. :
Brom. Ay, you remember and forget, juft as i
"makes for you, or againft you : but, to mend the.
matter, you never (poke one civil word to me ,
but ft odd like a ftock, without fenfe or motion. .
So/. Yet better.. {J/ide'
Brom. After which,. I lovingly invited, you te r
take your place in your nuptial bed, ^s the laws ol f
matrimony oblige youi. and you inhumanly re¬
fus’d me.. .
S'J. Ay, there’s the main point of the bufinefs-i,
art thou morally.certain, that I ref used thee.’ Look';
me [