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Emer a Servant.
Serv. Phaedra, my lord’s -without r and udll not
pffieh'tiil he has ftriH^okett with- yon.
[Exit Servant.
Phaed. Oh that I Could 'ftay to help worry thee
for this ahufe: [To him in private,
x ’Bat the beft on’t is, I leave thee in good hands;
Farewel tWmhle—^-To him, Premia.
[Exit Phaedra.
Brom. Not you did not beat me, and ;put me
into a fwound, and deprive me of the natural ufe
of my tongue for a long half hour: yon did not
beat me down, with your little wand: bat I fball
teach you to ufe your rod another rime—I lhall.
Sof. Put her into a fwotmd, with my little wand,
:and fo forth: That’s more than ever 1 coaid do.
Thefeure terriMe -Crrctim'fta-irCes that fonre Sofia or
another has been here: Now, if he has literally
beaten her, gi-ammercy, brother Sofia ; he has but
done, what I would have done, if i had durft r But
I am afraid, it was only fome damn’d love-figure;
and that the wand that laid her afleep, might lig-
nify the peace-maker. [Aftde.
Brant. Now you aro fnuffing upon a cold fcent,
for fome pitiful excufe: I know you. Twenty to
one, but you will plead drunkennefs: you are us’d
to be pot-valiant.
> : Sof. 1 was pumping, and I thank her, Ihe has
ifanvented for me. Yes, Premia, I mull confefs
il was exalted.:- and, pofliblv, I might fcbur upon
I thee', or perhaps be a little more-familiar with
;r thy perfon, by the way of Idndnefs, than if I had
J been fober ; but, prithee, inform me what I did;
:r that I may confider what iatisfa&ion I am to make
it thee:.
Brom. Are you there-at youT dog-tricks! Yon
would be forgetting, would you? like a drunken