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5*4 A M P H I T R r 0 N.
fcicnce: It tvas not a whole gallon; but it may
contain, reafonably f peaking, one large—“thim¬
ble-full : But gallons and thimble-fulls are fo like,
that in fpeaking, I might eafily miftake them.
Phaed. Is it come to this? Out traitor!
■ So/. I had been a traitor indeed, to have be¬
trayed thee to the {wallowing of a gallon : but a
thimble-full of cordial water, is eafily fipt off: and
then, this fame goblet, is fo very light too, that it
will be no burthen, to carry it about with thee, in
thy pocket.
Pitied. O apoftate to thy love! O perjured vil-
j lain!
Enter Bromia.
What, are you here, Bromia! I was telling him his
own : I was giving him a rattle for his treacheries
to you, his love: You fee I can be a friend, upon
Brom. Ay, chicken, I never doubted of thy
kindnefs: hilt, for this fugitive,-—-this rebel,—
this mifcreant.
So/ A kind welcome, to an abfent lover, as I
have been.
Broin. Ay, and a kind greeting you gave me,
at your return; when you us’d me io barbaroufly,
this morning.
So/. The t’other Sofia has been with her too :
and has us’d her barbaroufly : barbaroufly, that is
to fay, uncivilly: and uncivilly; I am afraid that
means too civilly. [Afide.
Pbaed. You had bell deny you were here this
morning! and by the fame token——
So/ Nay, no more tokens, for heaven’s fake,
dear Phaedra. Now muft I ponder with myfelf a
little, whether it be better for me, to have been
here this morning, or not to have been here this
morning. \Ajide.
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