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A M PHI T R TO N. ; 53
That ftrong dog, my brother. Sofia, has been here
before me, and made love to her. [A/ide.
Phxd. You are confidering, whether or no, you
ftiould keep your promife.
Sof. That I Ihould keep my promife.——The
truth on’t is, (he’s anotherghefs morfel than old
Bromia. [Afide.
Phced. And I had rather you fhould break it, in
a manner, and, as it were, and in fome fenfe.
Sof. In a manner, and, as it were, and in fome
fenfe, thou fay’fl ?——I find, the ftrong dog has
only tickl’d tip her imagination, and not enjoy’d
her: fo that with my own limbs, I may perform
the fweetnefs of his function with her. Afide. No,
fweet creature, the promife lhall not be broken;
but what I have undertaken, I will perform like a
man of honour.. [T0 her.
Phced. Then, you remember the preliminaries
. of the prefent.
Sof. Yes, yes,in grofs I do remember fomething;
but this difturbance of the family has fomewhat ftu-
pified my memory: Some pretty kicklhaw, I war¬
rant thee; fome acceptable toy, of fmall value.
Phced. You may call ugold goblet, a toy: but
I put a greater value upon your prel’ents.
Sof. A gold goblet, fay’ft thou! Yes, now I think
on’t,. it was a kind of gold goblet; as a gratuity af¬
ter confummation.
Phced. No, no; I had rather make fure of one
bribe before-hand, than be promifs’d ten gratuities.
Sof Yes, now I remember, it was, in fome fenfe,
a gold goblet, by way of earneftand it eom-
Phaed. One large
Sof. How, one. large-
Phaed. Gallon.
Sof No; that was fomewhat too large, iacon-i
E icituce--;: