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gainft the light of my own confcience. For fup-
pofe the other Sofia has been here: perhaps that
ftrong dog has not only beaten me, but alfo has
been predominant upon my wife, and moft car¬
nally mifus’d her! Now, by asking certain quef-
tions of her, with a Tide-wind, I may come to un¬
derhand how fquares go ; and whether my nuptial
bed be violated. [Afule.
. Phxck Moft certainly he has learn’d impudence
of his mafter: and will deny his being here ; but
that lhall not ferve his turn, to cheat me of my
prefent! [Afide.
Why, Sofia! what, in a brown ftudy ?
Sofia. A little cogitabund, or fo; concerning this
difinal revolution m our family.
"Phcsd. Bat that Ihould not make you negleift
your duty to me, your mi ft pe is.
Sof. Pretty foul; I would thou wert: upon
condition that old Bromia were fix foot under
Phced. What! is all your hot courtihip to me
dwindled iiVto a poor unprofitable wilh? You may
remeniher, I did not bid you abfolutely defpay\
Sofi. No; for all things yet may be accommo¬
dated, in an amicable manner, betwixt my mafter
and my lady.
Phced. I mean to the buftnefs, betwixt you and
Sof. Why, I hope we two never quarrePd ?
Pbced. Muft I remember you of a certain pfo-
mii’e that you made me at our laft parting?
Sof: Oh, when I went to the army: that I
fhould ftill be praifmg thy beauty to judge Grfus,
and keep up his affections to thee.
Pbced. No, I mean the bufinefs betwixt you and
me this morning, That you promis’d me
Sof. That I promis’d thee. 1 find it now:
J That