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Who cak’ft a vile pretence to taint my fame;
And, not content to leave, wouldft ruin me.
Enjoy thy wilh’d divorce : I will not plead
My innocence, of this pretended crime:
I need not; fpitthy venom; do thy worft:
But know, the more thou wouldft expofe my virtue.
Like pureft linen laid in open air,
’Twill bleach the more, and.whiten to the view.
Amph. ’Tis well thou art prepar’d for thy divorce's
For, know thou too, that after this affront,
This foul indignity, done to my honour,
Divorcement is but petty reparation :
But, fince thou haft, with impudence affirm’d
My falfe return, and brib’d my Haves to vouch it,
The truth lhall, in the face of Thebes be clear’d;
Thy uncle, the companion of my voyage,
And all the crew of fea-men, fliall be brought,
Who were embark’d, and came with me to land;
Nor parted, till I reach’d this curfed door :
So (hall this vifion of my late return-.
Stand a detefted lie; and wo to thofe
Who ums ucii'njVi r,vy lion.onr*
$of. Sir, fhall 1 wait on you T
Amph. No, I will go alone: Expeift me here.
[Exit Amphitryon.,
Phaed. Pleafe you tliat I [To Ale.
Ale. Oh J nothing now can pleafe me :
Darknels, and lolitude, and fighs, and tears,
And all th’infeparable train of grief,
Attend my fteps for ever. [Exit Ale.
Sof. What if I Ihould lye'now, and fay we have
been here beforeI never faw any good that came
of telling truth. 5 lAjide.
Phad. He hiakes no more advances to me: I
begin a little to fufped, that my gold goblet will
prove but copper- [Afide.
'Sof. Yes, '’tis refolv’d, I will lye abominably, a-
E ^ g.ainft