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5p A M P HIT U K O N.
As you would.fqueezx my foul out..
Amp. Did I fo ?
Alcru. You did.
Amp. Confound thofe. arms .that wcre fo.kind—
Proceed, proceed. [Td./ber.
Aicnu You would, not flay to fup; but, much
complaining, of your drow£nefs> and.want of na¬
tural reft
Amp. Made hafte to bed: Ha, wash not fo?
Go on \_Afide.
And ftab . me with .each fyliable thou fpeak’ft.
Rlusdra. So, now his coming.
Alcm. T have more to fay.
Amp. Why, went we not to bed?
Akm. Why not?
Is it a"crime for hulband and for wife
To go to bed, my, lord ?
Amp. Perfidious woman I
Alcm. Ungratefuhman!
Amp. She juftifies it too!
Alcm. I need, not juftifie: Of what am I ac-
cus’d ?
Amp. Of all that prodigality of kindnefs,
Giv’n to another, and ufurp?d from me.
So blefs me heav’n, if fince my firft departure,
I ever fet my foot upon this threfltold.
So am I innocent of all thofe joys.
And dry. of thofe embraces.
Alcm. Then I, it Teems, am falfe?
Amp. As furely falfe, as what thou fay’ft is true.
Ak. I have betrayed my honour^ and my love?
And am a foul adultrefs?
Ampb. What thou art,
Thou ftand’ft condemn’d to be, l^tky relation.
Ale. Go, thou unworthy man ; lor ever go:
iTo more my hulband; go than bafe impoftor;