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So/ Yes, very poffible : you, my lord Jmpbir
\iryon, may have brought forth another you my
' lord Amphitryon, as well as I Sofia have brought
forth another Me Sofia, and our diamonds may have
procreated thefe diamonds; and fo we are all three
Phcedra. If this be true, I hope my goblet has
: Igigg’d another golden goblet: and then they may
(carry double upon all four. \_Afide.
Ale. My lord, I have flood filent out of wonder
what you could wonder at.
; Amp. A chilling fweat, a damp of jealoufie.
Hangs on my brows, and clams upon my limbs.
1 fear; and yet I muft be fatisfied :
, And, to be fatisfy’d, I mufl diflemble. [Afide.
Alcm. Why mufe you fo, and murmur to your-
felf ?
If you repent your bounty, take it back.
; Amp. Not fo; but, if you pleafe, relate what
At our lafl enterview.
Alcm. That queftion would infer you were not
Amp. I fay not fo ;
I only would refrefh my memory ;
: And have my reafons to defire the flory.
Phxdra. So: This is as good fport for me as an
: examination of a great belly before a magiflrate.
; Alcm. The flory is not long: you know I met
Kifs’d yod, and prefl you clofc within my arms,
With all the tendernefs of wifely love.
[ Amp. I could have fpar’d that kindnefs.
. • , Afide.
And what did I ? p7"0
Alcm. You flrain’d me with a mafeuline em¬
brace ;