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glc; but, as for the diamonds, here they are, un¬
der fafe cuftody.
Alcm. Then what are thefe upon my arm ?
[To Sofia.
So/ Flints, or pebbles, or feme fuch trumpery j
of enchanted ftones.
Phaedra. They fay the proof of a true diamond
is to glitter in the dark; I think my mafter had
beft take my lady into fome by-corner, and try
whole diamond will fparkle belt.
So/ Yet now I think on’t, madam, did not a
certain friend of mine prefent ’em to you ?
Alcm. What friend?
So/ Why another Sofia; one that made him- 1
felf Sofa in my defpight, and alfo unfociated me. 1
Amp. Sirrah, leave your naufeous nonfenfe:
break open the feal, and take out the diamonds, i
So/ More words than one to a bargain, fir; I '
thank you : That’s no part of prudence for me to *
commit burglary upon the feals: Do you look firfl ;
Upon the fignet, and tell me in your confcienee, ■,
whether the feals be not as firm as when you clapt p
the wax upon them.
Amp. The fignature is firm. [Looking.
Sof. Then take the fignature into your own
cuftody, and open it; for I will have nothing
done at my proper peril.
[Giving him the cajket.
Amp. Breaking open the feal. O heav’ns! Here’s j1
nothing, but an empty fpace; the neft where they
were laid. j..
Sof. Then if the birds are flown, the fault’s “
not mine ; here has been fine conjuring work ; or **
elle the jewel, knowing to whom it ftiould be gi¬
ven, tdok occafion to ileal out, by a natural in- :
ftinift, and ty’d itfelf upon that pretty arm.
Athp. Can this be poffible!
Sof -