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me now in the face, and fay I did not commit ma-
f trimony with thee!
Brom. I wonder how thou canft look me in the
face, after that refufal!
s So/1 Say it once again, that I did not felonoufly
come to bed to thee,
i: i Brain. No, thou cold traitor, thou know’ll thou
l ididft not.
r SoJ. Bell of all; ’twas difcreetly done of me to
i abllain.
1 Brom. What, do you infult upon me too!
s So/. No, I do not inl’ult upon you; -but-—-
, Brain. But what; How was it difcreetly done
-then ? Ha?
f .Spf.. Becaufe it is the receiv’d opinion of phy-
# ficians, that nothing but pulling chitts, and booby-
stools, are procreated in drunkennefs.
» Brain. A receiv’d opinion, fnivel-guts! I’ll be
(judg’d by all the married women of tliis town; if
lany one of’em has receiv’d it: The devil take the
jphyficians, for meddling in our matters: If a huf-
:i cand will be rul’d by them, there are five weeks of
> abflinence in dog-days too; for fear a child that was
5 got in Augujl, Ihould be born jufl nine months af-
ter, and be blear-ey’d, like aAZhy-kitten.
l!i Sof. Let the phyficians alone; they are honell
‘‘men,\vhatever the world fays of them. But, for a
siicertain reafon, that I bell know, I am glad that
anatter ended fo fairly and peaceably betwixt us.
f't Brom. Yes ’twas very fair and peaceable ; to
'■‘flrike a woman down, and beat her moll out-
SoJ. pollible that I drubb’d thee!
I Brom. I find your drift: You would fain be prp-
' yoking me to a new trial now : but, i’faith, you llaall
‘bring me to no more handy-blows: I lhall make
ijbold to trull my tongue hereafter: you never durll