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i . . Of cbiltlxcns Duties.
And all this in T oken of his Reverence, and t<
;ood Example unto others.
Ill, Another Duty that dji/di-en owe to thcir'Parems, is
latitude, a thankful Requital oi their love and care,
vhich the Apoftle hr exprefs Terms requireth of a,i M
' e»i ; namely t« requite their Paiencs, for that fanh
gtod *ni ucceptMe before God. This lequitai niay^Jh'
night to be mainfefted fereral Ways. As,
By relieving them according to their h eed,
.. Afciiine. Jofefb'i Praflice herein is fet before
ifattein, wbt beitig in profperity, aad his Father in Wanr,
Srll.feiit him corn freely out of Egyft, and atterwardsienc
for him into Egypt, and there furmlhed him plentifully v/ith
and all ocher needful n hings, infqmuch that the Tdxc
faith, Jofeph nourifljed h s Father and his Brethren, nn'd .id
f God
father's Houfiold v/ith Bread, ac or ding to their fat
, Gen. 47: 1:. And it is recorded ol Kr<th, that Uiema
only glean for Naomi'htt Mother in Law, but having'
Food given her by Boat’s Servant* for her Rcfreflumenr,
/if referred fart thereof, and gate untober-Mother, Ra'dl
1. r *. I have read of a Daughter whofe F„:her beiu-r !sn-
enced to be famifhed to Death, and thereupon none heirg
fullered to bring him Meat, (lie gave him huc^t with her
n Breads. Ifow blame-W9fth.y then, yeap.’-aod ftmtatti- „
are Rich Children, whole Parents being pcori ardthen--
res able to relieve them, do nocwiihltadding fn0et them
tvant Things needful? Sr. John faith. That the /aft of
God dweittb not m him. vie Jh.ttah t.f hit PeWf.'r of
Companion from his Brother, 1 fibn 3. *-. How tfett
can it dwell with thqt Cbi/d tvhofi ut*.eth up Hn Rowels of
compaflicu againft his own Fathero: Mother who having-
not only a Sufficiency, but a lib an Affitency ot Weiio’.-.e
Things, fuffershis Parents to w'ant Nccedai
a. By loving their Parests. Andjlnhe that’Lev*.
Patents bear umotheir children, at d have hiauilcl
bringing them up in the World, (fcou.'d hj'tire t. aiviof Mae;-;
'“i, fttr up inCWdim a Love to tlictr Parents; tot Lovcqfe-
y«s Lcve.
?. By concealing and covering rbc,?. "Iitfcmlttes, r,hic ■
v.ill evidencethe I rtith ot their Love to the r parent', anjjl.
precure God’s Bieffiing upon them SUm wo
read, wereblefled lor this, became they v.urtfd not
the Nakednefs of their father, vhm h, i-g -..mfyn he la<o
tvtovered its hit Tent-, and Haw