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'tg-V Hie Duties of Ma'feei
tKt&foTO^Cbl’Iren would av«id H :m’ cirfe, let tberht
fu!fv Hi m W ; k'> Sm ; forbiiring to blaiea abroad
.Facher’? InSrmirie.
Of the Duties of MJilert.
le laft Head of Family Relations, isMaftsrs and Ser-
Tbe Djries oTMaflers in reterence to their Servants may ■
be'i: under two Heads.
1. Such as concern the Bodies of r6e/> Servants.
2. S^ch as concern the Souls of tbeir Servants.
' The Duties of Mailers in reference to the Bodies of tbe/r •
Servants, arc,
r. To provide fitting Raiment for them, fuch as ms/
fence them agamft the Excremit of the Weather. I mean,-
if by Agreement they are bound to find them Apparel, as i 4
rbepanditiohof moll Apprentices.
e. Togivathem wholefomeandfufficieatFood. Astbeir
F*’>d mill be wholefome f#r the prefervation of their health
fuificieht for theincreafing oftheirStrength.that they m ly be •
,fhe better enabled.withcheerfnlnefs to do Mailer’s jer* >
y. To afford them Vbyficl^wben they are fiek. For Ma-
fters are commanded revive untotbcir Servants tb*t which'-1
is uhtiltquxl, Co’. t. And is it not joll and equal, that I
tliofeServants jvj# labour far tbeir Mailers in theTinr" ~c
tbeif Health, (hould be cared for by their Mailers in the
ofthe/r Sicknefs ? The enturicn's cire for his fick Servant
is ieft upon Record for our Imitation, who ufed the bell
Means he knew tor his Servants Recoverie; which was to go
UwoCbriji, M»t. S. 6. The Humanity of this Centuyion,be- !
Gentile,miy be a Wunefs againiltlie luhumantcy of I
CbriJiUns, who take little care tor their fick ServinteP I
■Joi to opprefs them with Labour, by overworkin’ v1
_ them, requiria: morex>fthem than they arc well able to per¬
form. This would be'crueltie in a Man to his Bead, much *
more an a Maflsr to his Servants. I udeed tlte Egyptians dealt
fo cruelly with the Tpaclites, that they groaned undertheir •
Burdens, whofe Groans afcended’unto the Ears of God, who •
thereupon caRietlownto deliver them from their Bondage,
!?**<: 7- *• -Vid let God’s hearing the cry of thefe op-
ap.-eilcd i’smnts, aadcevengiug them of their Oppreflbrs,