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. Or - h-llrtns Butlet.
i- The forhier is comtnensied iu Scripture by the ippftn
sied Pi i&ice\ot godly children, as of Jacob, Sam tel, Di
Vii'aud »ti;rs. And truly, in regard that parents are thl
Means of bringing up their Children in the World, till thej
are &: for Callings, and char not without much care an*
is it nnt moiimejt and jutt, that their counfel and,ad-
Ihould be taken in the choice of their com fe of Life
And as m their Callings, faltkewife in thetr Marriages, am
not to marry without their confent, which the very Lighi
ef Mature teaches, andGod himfelf comouml;, when h.
lays a charge upon Parents to give their Daughters to Hus.
bauds, and to take Wires far their Sons, Jer, aj. 5. whicl
doth necefTarilie imply, that Children ought nat to take uit»
tothemfelves Wives or Hnsbands without,efpecillly againfi
their Parents eonfent and therefore fachChildren as ihall adi
venture to jifh chemrelvesm Marriage without their Pa
rents confent, how can they expeft a Bleffing from
upon them, ? Yea, they have rather caufe to fear the
otGad upon them, and their Pofterity. How didthecurl
rf God fall -upon Efhuand his Poftericy, beeaufe he marr
ed r.gainli the confent of his Parents, taking ante himfe
Wives, wiiich were a Grief of Mind unto ^ ic'and K«
iek.zb, Gen a*. 3 ;. 1*.
II. Another Dity which Children owe to their Parent:
it Honour and Reverence. This the Lord In exprefs Tefi
re'jmres in the Fifth Coginut'. Imen:, Honour tby Father 4
' ; Hither, fixos, ao. ra. This Honour and Reveren.
\ thy Hither,- Exod. to. ii,
Children mu(l manifefh
1. By their madell Silence befere their Parents, not fo
ward to fpeak in their prefence without Leave from them
2. By their humble Speeches, fpeaking unto them fu
xiiilively and aeverentlygiving ihem fitting Titles,
[fair, Sir, and the like.
3. By their refpeaive carriage, which they lould Ih(
by uncovering their Heads, bowing their Body, ftandi
up before them, and the like. Jtfeph, tho' highly advat
ed, yet when he appears before his Father with his
Sons, the Text faith, He bowed bimfilf with hit Face I
Earth Yea, ch-o’ his Father was blind through Age,
therefore could not fee wbaf refpea hu Son (hewed to hi
’yet, notwichllanding he owed to-thevery Ground. *(
when Sh-W >1 heard of the Approach of his Mother,
Text fays, He rofe from the Throne to nuet her, and hot
htinfclf unto her, and fit her at bn right Hand, l King]