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Of childrens' Duties. l • T
. Commindment to his reopleot old, by his Prophet >t '
miah. Chap. i-. 6. 4 Take Wives to your Sons, and
^ive your Daughters to Husbands. ’ ~ln the Choice Of a
usband or Wife, the Paients ottgl. t tp have greater J<e-
■ Pierie and Prudence, than to Wealth and Riches,
r thereby they Ihall procure much Happinel* to their'
i in their Marriages.
Of Childrens Outlet:-
rJlAving fliewed the Duties of Parents tov/ards their Chil-
l4 dren, I come now to lieiv the Duties of Children in re-
.ncato their Parents j Which may be brought to c.-ree
i. Obedience. a. Honour. 4. Gratitude.
Obedience, This is often prefTed in Scripture, as the
aiu and principal Duty of Chilaren in l etercnce to their
arents. Their Obedience ought fo be eyptcfltd,
. Fiy cheerful yielding to their Precepts a fid Cdmminds,
dily doing what they require of them, and that for Con-
ncefake, even rj the Command of God who requireth
1 Dutie at their Hands ; for, faith the. Apoltje, • to/. 3.,
4 Children, obey your Parents in alf Things, for this
is wtll-pleafing to ci e Lord. AikI again, 4. (. Clnli
dren,, obey yoitr Parents hi the lord, for this is right, 4h
e former-Place, it is, in all Things ; mrh-; latter icis, ,»
1 rfd, whereby iris' implied, that C, ildiens 1 bediencefruit*
' in ail Things honett and iasvfal, agreeable to the V-'orcf
God; fb that if their Paients vvoiifd command them to
> any Thing contrary to the Word of God' they nnilt'
erem obey God, and not their For Children
e no further bound to obey'their earthly J'a'ems, than
ay ff and with Obedience to God their heavenly Fat her.
a.. Children ought to exprefs their Obddiencc to their Pa¬
nts in hearkning ro their good infli-.iaions. ft being the
uty of Parents to milrua their ChiicreiT, itnuilftjeeus be
£ DlltV 6F Children m hearten mvan
; e Dury of Children to hearken ui.,„ Vy^/ Asicir
ftiuiflfions, which Salomon muen pirifctii upon Chiicbcn,
My Son, faith he, hear the Initrjifiion of fhy,t'at!iery and
orfakenor the Lasvofthy Mother frov. r. 1. As Call.
e;j ought to hearken to the good Infn udiicm of their Pa~
ill Things fo more efpeciall, iuiwo Thmus.
In the cho c of t'oeir Callings.
L.A'Jnsb.cbvccoLibcU^U^u.^ ,