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■which do afually •ccafioh Difcord aid Difi'enfian; efpecial-
Ijr when one ispaffionate, when one paflionate, it will be
the Wifdora of theotherto afi Patience, and to exprefs a
v Spirit of Meeknefs. For when both are hot and angrjr toe
; gather, then the Fire of Contention is likely to exprefs alf#
■ftich a Flame as will not Atddenly be quenched i and there¬
fore I would commend this Rule to married Perfons to be¬
ware of being both ^ngry together ; but rather let one be
j to the other lik* David’s Harp toappeafe Saul’s Fury,
f a. Tho‘the Fire of Contention be kindled at Home, ye:
let it not break forth into shy Neighbour's Houfe, but be
fure to keep it within thine own Walls. For it is found by
too frequent Experience, that Differences between Man and i
; Wife being once divulged, are more hardly made up.
5. When any Difference is rifen, let each ftrive who (hall'
| firft feek after Peace and ReeOnciliecion, fojr theirs is the*
Glory who Srft begin. I have read thai there was fome- ;
j- times a Tariance between two famous Philofophers xArijlip-
pus tn& .ALfcbinet, otriU ppm tt length cometh to u£/cblA
nefs, andfeeksfor Peace and Reconciliations and withall
faid. Remember, tho’ 1 am the Elder, and the Party
wronged, yet I fought the Peace; True, faid cs£fchinery
and for this I will ever acknowledge thee the worthier Matt};
for X begau the Strife, but thou the Peace. But how many;
of us cameihort of lriji,ppus(th»in Heathen Philofophex):
in this Particular, thinking it a Difgrace firft to feek after*
Pence arid Reconciliation i
III.' Another mutual Duty which Husband and Wife owe:
co one another, ifr Prayer. They onghc to pray one fon
i * another: In a edhfciOnable Performance whereof,may Huf-
band and Wife be hslpfaivdeach othei in all Things needful
to either of thehr 5 it being the Means which the Lord hath
■ fandlifiedfor obtaining of every good Thing, both for our-
felves and oth%fi‘.”lois recorded of Jfaae, ‘ That he intreap^
‘ ed the f of’d'fdr'hh Wife,- becaufe Oie was barren, and
* the Lord was intteited of him, Gen ay. 21. That is, trie
Lord heard his Pr'ayer, and granted his Requeft.
I P.: Another mutual Duty, ts a provident Care of one
anothers Souls.
1. If a believing Husband, or Wife, be married to dr
Unbeliever, they ought to ufe ali the Means they can to wii:
the other. Andifeitherof you fhall be a Means of the Con- .
h. y^rion of the other, how incirely will t: knit your Afufi-'-
betrvixt Husband and tlrfe. ■ ^
to fupprefs and keep ddwn aflitirious Paffions