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chap, xvm.
?/ the eommon mutual Dut es betwixt Hu,band and Wife.
.AYing (hewed the general Dire£hons which appertain to
Chriftrans as Chriftians ;
1 come now to the particular Duties wi/iriappertain to
a in your feveral dif iafil Relations. For it is not fuffici^ •
that you make eonfcience of the general Duties of Chri-
ianity, but you muft be alfo confcionabfe in performing
he particular Duties of your feveral Relations, whereby
Huch Good is both mutually communicated one to auo-
and received one from another, Wi.ereas the Apolllc
in (etting down the feveral Duties of Relations, doth
ill bring them under three Heads, v»*; Husbands and
'fives. Parents and Children, Mailers and Servants. I (hall-
illow this Method, (hewing the Duties of each of thefe.
For the Duties of Husband and Wife, they may be drawn
Jtw* Heads. ’ '
I. Such as are common to both.
a. Such are proper and peculiar to each (Severally.
The common and mutual Duties are thefe ;
I. A loving Affedlion of one to another. I call this a mu-
ual Duty ; becaufe as the Husband is to love, his Wife, fo
lis Wife is to love her Husband. Love is a Ihiry which e-
ery Chriftian ows to one another. Love thy Kerb tur <t*
bjjei, faiti our Saviour, Matth. iz. 39. WYere, by
Jeighbour, is meant every Man, every Woman; fo that
ve are bound to love every one, even our Enemies for
ihrift’s fake, .iut the nearer any are knit together, the
nore they are bound to this Dutieof Love, and to abound
herein. Nowrj^e are fo nearly knit together as Husband
nd Wife,? And therefore there ought to be a mutual affe-
lion between them, and that Love which one Iheweth to
he other, will Ait up the other to requite that Love again }
as there is nothing loft,
II. Outward Concord and agreement. Thisfhould be as
ir is pofliblewifb all Men, Hei. 1 j. 14. But more efpeci-
Ily between Husband and Wife, who are fo hearly knit to-
echer, pot without Concord aud Agreement between Hua-
and and Wise, what Comfort can either find in their
ioufes ? The Truth is, every one lives more or lefs couv-
Ttablo in his Houfe, as there is concord and agreemenc
For the better preferving of concord and agreement be«
Husband and Wile, tafce tbcieiew Pireftions;
iiUs .